West Godavari Institute of Science and Engineering

Library @WISE



Preparing Students for Success in Their Fields


Monday to Saturday
Reference Section from 09.00 A.M. to 05.00 P.M.
Circulation Section from 09.00 A.M. to 05.00 P.M.
Reference Section from 09.00 A.M. to 01.00 P.M.


Our College library is in a spacious building. The library is open to students and staff members on all working days.

The library has a rich collection of text books, reference books, national and international journals in all branches of Engineering, Science, Technology, Management and General Studies and The collection is ever increasing.


A full-fledged Digital Library also functioning in our college.

The Digital Library is a gateway to the world of e-resources and a one-stop for nascent information handling, transfer and a boon to the knowledge seekers.



  • eContent - ECE
  • eContent - CSE
  • eContent - MECH
  • eContent - EEE
  • eContent - S&H
National Digital Libraryhttps://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/
SWAYAM Online Courseshttps://storage.googleapis.com/uniquecourses/online.html
National Knowledge Networkhttps://nkn.gov.in/
NPTEL           https://finptel.ac.in/
InfoPort             https://infoport.inflibnet.ac.in/
Talks to Teacherhttps://www.ted.com/playlists/182/talks_from_inspiring_teachers
A-VIEW http://aview.in/
Virtual Labshttps://www.vlab.co.in/
FOSSEE https://fossee.in/
Spoken Tutorialhttps://spoken-tutorial.org/
Oscar++ https://www.it.iitb.ac.in/oscar/
NCERT Text Bookshttp://ncert.nic.in/textbook/textbook.htm
Directory of Open Access Books https://www.doabooks.org/
Directory of Open Access Journalshttps://doaj.org/
Open Knowledge Repository — World Bankhttps://openknowledge.worldbank.org/
UG/PG MOOCshttp://ugcmoocs.inflibnet.ac.in/ugcmoocs/moocs_courses.php
e-PG Pathshalahttps://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/
e-Content courseware in UG subjectshttp://cec.nic.in/cec/
e-Shodh Sindhuhttps://ess.inflibnet.ac.in/
Oxford Openhttps://academic.oup.com/journals/pages/open_access
Cambridge University Presshttps://www.cambridge.org/core/what-we-publish/open-access
Science Direct Open Access Contenthttps://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9781843342038/open-access
Project Euclidhttps://projecteuclid.org/librarians/lib_oa
Springer Open Journalshttps://www.springeropen.com/journals
Taylor & Francis Open Accesshttps://www.tandfonline.com/openaccess
Open Access Thesis & Dissertationshttps://oatd.org/
Legal Information-commonliihttp://www.commonlii.org/in/
The OAPEN Foundationhttp://www.oapen.org/home
PubMed Central PMChttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/
Project Gutenberghttps://dev.gutenberg.org/
High Wirehttps://www.highwirepress.com/
Southern Connecticut StateUniversityhttps://libguides.southernct.edu/openaccess
LibriVox — Audio Bookshttps://librivox.org/
Wiley Open Accesshttps://authorservices.wiley.com/open-research/open-access/browse-journals.html
Training and Courses by Tata Steelhttp://www.capabilitydevelopment.org/
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)https://doaj.org/
Shodhganga-a reservoir of Indian theseshttps://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/
Legal Information Institute of Indiahttp://liiofindia.org/

Library Rules and Regulations:

  1. Identity Card is compulsory for getting access to the library
  2. Silence to be maintained
  3. No discussion permitted inside the library
  4. Registration should be done to become a library member prior to using the library resources
  5. No personal belongings allowed inside the library
  6. Textbooks, printed materials and issued books are not allowed to be taken inside the library
  7. Using Mobile phones and audio instruments with or without speaker or headphone is strictly prohibited in the library premises.
  8. Enter your name and Sign in the register kept at the entrance counter before entering library
  9. Show the books and other materials which are being taken out of the library to the staff at the entrance counter.
  10. The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately.
  11. The borrower is responsible for the books borrowed on his/her card.
  12. Refreshment of any kind shall not be taken anywhere in the library premises
  13. Switch off your mobiles while entering the library.