CSE Vision & MissionDepartment Vision Build a learning environment that enhances creativity, social awareness and leadership skills for total personality development. Department Mission To impart training to students for exposure to emerging technologies. To provide knowledge with strong hands-on experience in their chosen domain. To be a place for research oriented in frontier areas of Computer Science and Engineering. To produce professionals with strong values and zeal to serve the society. To bring leadership qualities that drive innovation and communication to inspire and guide the groups they work.AboutOur Vision & MissionCollege ProfilePrincipal DeskChairman DeskOrganogramGrievanceCircularsAlumniJoin AlumniStudent ReviewsGoverning BodyAICTE Mandatory DisclosureAcademicsCourses OfferedAdmission Procedure & Fee StructureJVDUBANSSCOLLEGE RULES AND REGULATIONSe-ContentsAcademic CalendarStudent ClubsDepartmentsCSE DepartmentAI&DS DepartmentECE DepartmentMECH DepartmentMBA DepartmentS&H DepartmentPlacementsTraining ProgramsGalleryCERTIFICATION PROGRAMMESExamination CellStudent VerificationResults & NotificationsIQACIQAC TeamAQARMOM (Minutes of meeting)Peer Team VisitsR&DSSRDVVRTIStudent Satisfaction SurveyBEST PRACTICESInstitutional DistinctivenessCampus LifeFacilitiesAnti-RaggingWomen ProtectionStaff Selection CommitteeTimetable CommitteeDisciplinary CommitteeExamination CommitteeNISPFeedbackeContact